Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 12 Day Two: Comics as Literature

Today we began the unit on comics as literature. Lisa and Talia did a great job introducing the subject of comics with their presentation which the students viewed before coming to class.

For the journal entry they found a very cool video which gave a brief history of comics. See below.

Emily wrote this:

"Comics... personally when i think of the term comic, I think of comedy or light-hearted literature if you will. Comics I feel have changed so much over time. Initially their subjects  were about everyday life, romance politics, and so on. I thought it was funny how there was a comic code that restricted what sort of ideas one could publish. I feel the comics are definitely a form of art and who is to say what you are allowed or not allowed to write about. It is also interesing to me the basic idea of comic books, and how some invlove supernatural, some poke fun of controversial issues, but in the end they all convey how complex the world is and how each indvidual uses different approches to express his or her thoughts."

I love what she said about how comics convey the complexities of our world. This is what literature does, doesn't it?

Lisa and Talia then broke the groups up into the color of shirts they were wearing and had the groups work in pairs with groups of four working on the same cartoon strip coming up with the dialog. I loved working with Megan on our Peanuts cartoon strip. It was harder than I thought to fill in the bubbles. We analyzed plot, theme, and character as we created our dialog. The groups presented their dialogs as they projected the cartoon strips on the screen. As you can see above, Francesca and Erica are enjoying their dramatic presentation of their Popeye and Olive Oyl cartoon.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the assignment given by Talia and Lisa. When we were given our blank comic of Pop-Eye and Olive Oil, it was very easy for Francesca and I to come up with the dialogue for the characters. I felt that this assignment was very creative and a lot of fun.
