Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week 8 Day One: Enemy of the People Act I

We had a great time in class today with Erica and Emily's hands on characterization lesson. I was assigned to Group 1 with Vincent, Amy, Matt, Francesca, and Stephanie. We got to play with construction paper, scissors, markers, and the internet to create a description of Dr. Stockmann.

As usual, I tried to micro-manage the group giving roles to everyone. We felt we didn't have an artist in the group, but we came up with some creative ideas. I liked all of our ideas. Stephanie became the writer for the brainstorming of the elements of characterization. Francesca and Matt were our artists. Vincent was our internet to-go guy whose job was to find some neat pictures. Amy took charge of putting it all together.

We all presented our parts orally to the group. I was proud of our product.

The one thing I would do differently if I were the instructor would be to reduce the size of our group to make people more accountable...and maybe even assign roles to members of the group.

Emily and Erica were sooooo organized and provided some nice feedback. They circulated throughout the room and make sure people were on task.

I loved this lesson even though my artistic talents leave something to be desired. I am thinking that I always limit myself to what is on a piece of paper. We could have used several pieces of construction paper to make our character. I liked how Emily and Erica presented their product of the character of Petra as the beginning of the feedback session. They needed more time for the feedback session.


  1. I enjoyed this day. The girls did a great job for being the first to go for TA for a Day. I thought they came up with very creative ideas and activities for us to do. I enjoyed the activity of making the character, but just as Mrs. Bolduc-Simpson mentioned above I wish our group would have made something like Emily and Erica's Petra. My group made a gingerbread looking guy :P and we made a homemade wordle. We wrote words that described Peter Stockmann in it. I also agree with the comment about the size of the group. I feel like I could have been more involved if the groups were smaller, but overall the girls did a great job.

  2. I must say I was a little nervous as to how the class was going to take to mine and Emily’s TA for the day activity. But I think the class had an overall good reaction towards it. I felt Emily did a great job at explaining the assignment and hopefully by creating an example of our own, the class was able to have a better grasp on what we were expecting from them. After all our hard work and tedious planning, I had a lot of fun and I hope the class did as well.

  3. This was a very fulfilling class. I remember how Matt and I were the artist, and we had a 20 min. discussion on whether or not to draw a devil with the pitchfork:) It was all good fun though. Emily and Erica did a wonderful job. I really think that they set the stage for everybody else. They were so prepared. Their presentation and teaching skills even helped me on my project. I was able to take what I learned from them, and apple it to my Enemy of the People Act II project. Thanks guys!

  4. Oh I remember this activity. I got to draw a little angel haha. I actualy liked this group activity because i really didnt understand the story and what was going on very well, until we got into groups and spoke about each character and went in depth.
